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avant browser 11.8 alpha2_在线百科全书查询


avant browser 11.8 alpha2

Avant browser 11.8 alpha 2 发布于 2010-05-24




运行环镜:Vista, XP, 2K, 9X


1、新建标签很慢的问题 Creating new tabs action was tardy.

2、默认zoom size 为0%的问题 The default zoom size was displayed as 0%

3、新建页面不遵循zoom设置的问题 New created pages didn''t follow the zoom size reset

4、通过CTRL + N创建的新页面不能直接在地址栏输入网址的问题 Being unable to type URL into the address bar if creating a new tab with CTRL + N

5、当禁用ActiveX时经常弹出ActiveX error 的问题 Annoying ActiveX error often popped up when Disable ActiveX option checked

6、有时标签自动切换到前台的问题 Sometime Tab may bring itself to the front

7、不能编辑代理服务器列表的问题 Being unable to edit proxy lists

8、地址栏自动完成反映速度慢的问题 Tardy Auto-Complete response for the Address Bar

9、使用Logitech鼠标后退/前进按钮无效的问题 Back / Forward buttons on Logitech Mouse didn''t work

10、在新标签打开图片无效的问题 Open Picture in New Tab button didn''t work

11、可以固定标签宽度(工具》标签选项 或 右键点击标签》标签选项)

相关分词: avant browser 11.8 11 alpha2 alpha