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组合:Destiny''s Child


天命真女 (Destiny''s Child)是美国的R&B女子组合。组合于1997年正式成立,并与哥伦比亚唱片公司签约,起初是二重唱组合,后来发展成四重唱组合,最后演变成三重唱组合。天命真女的首支录音歌曲“Killing Time”在《黑衣人》(Men in Black)的电影原音带中率先曝光。天命真女的首张同名专辑“天命真女”在1998年2月17日推出。天命真女的唱片及单曲创下了五千万的销售记录。2005年6月12日,天命真女宣布在西班牙巴塞罗那举行演唱会之后,宣布解散,追求各自的音乐、戏剧、电视和电影事业。


2001年最新专辑“Survivor”是Destiny''s Child乐坛生涯的第三张专辑,也是她们更换新血并精简缩编为三人之后的首张巨作。专辑中共收录18首全新作品,其中除了“Emotion”一曲是重新翻唱Bee Gees的名曲外,其余的17首新作全是由Beyonce与人共同谱写制作完成,而她的音乐创作及制作功力,亦早已藉由“Independent Women Part I‘这首席卷全球的冠军单曲而获得最佳认证。此辑中不仅收录了“Independent Women Part I”这首为电影《霹雳娇娃》所量身打造、一举拿下全美单曲排行11周冠军的超级单曲,还有以超强的点播人气便强势挺进全美流行单曲榜亚军席次的2001年首支全新单曲“Survivor”;以及节奏俏皮好比卡通配乐的“Independent Women Part II”;展现优美和音的“Emotion”;取样''80年代红透全球的欧式舞曲名作Tarzan Boy的“Nasty Girl”。更有将多首经典福音歌曲重新诠释而成的“Gospel Medley”。


It''s over and done

but the heartache lives on inside

And who''s the one you''re clinging to

instead of me tonight?

And where are you now, now that I need you?

Tears on my pillow wherever you go

I''ll cry me a river that leads to your ocean

You never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart

It''s just emotion that''s taken me over

Caught up in sorrow, lost in my soul

But if you don''t come back

Come home to me, darling

Dont you know there''s nobody left in this world

to hold me tight

Dont cha know there''s nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight

Goodnight, goodnight

I''m there at your side,

I''m part of all the things you are

But you''ve got a part of someone else

You''ve got to find your shining star

And where are you now, now that I need you?

Tears on my pillow wherever you go

I''ll cry me a river that leads to your ocean

You never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart

It''s just emotion that''s taken me over

Caught up in sorrow, lost in my soul

But if you don''t come back

Come home to me, darling

Dont you know there''s nobody left in this world

to hold me tight

Nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight

Goodnight, goodnight

And where are you now, now that I need you?

Tears on my pillow wherever you go

I''ll cry me a river that leads to your ocean

You never see me fall apart

In the words of a broken heart

It''s just emotion that''s taken me over

Caught up in sorrow, lost in my soul

But if you don''t come back

Come home to me, darling

Nobody left in this world

to hold me tight

Nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight

Goodnight, goodnight




由emotion (情绪) 和 icon (图像, 图标) 拼缀而成, 笑面谱, 情绪脸谱 (由标点符号组成用以表达情感的符号, 通常出现在电子邮件或网络聊天中, 用以营造轻松友好的气氛)

mariah carey单曲


Emotions是Mariah Carey的第二张专辑。专辑的首支单曲Emotions成为了Mariah的第5支冠军曲,也造就了Mariah Carey连续五支单曲成为冠军的一个记录。

专辑发行于1991年9月17日。发行首周取得Billboard专辑榜第4名成绩。也是该专辑在专辑榜的最好成绩。销量为5白金。在美国,专辑销量为4,850,000张。在日本,专辑销量为1,000,000张。全球专辑+单曲销量为14,500,000张,其中专辑9,500,000张。而专辑中的其他两支单曲Can’t Let Go和Make It Happen分别取得了单曲榜第2名和第5名的成绩。Till the End of Time只发行了宣传单曲。其中Emotions也创造了50万张金唱片的销量成绩。1992年2月该专辑在英国取得专辑榜第4名成绩。

一开始专辑定名为The Wind(在完成The Wind之后),将Emotions发行单曲后,才最终将专辑定名为现在这个名字。专辑中Mariah再次展现了他的合作才能。第一支单曲也不负所望。随着Emotions在十月中旬成为Mariah的第五支冠军,Mariah因此成为历史上首位刚入歌坛所推出的前五首单曲均为冠军曲之记录创造者。(打破了保持二十一年的,由Jackson 5保持的首四支单曲冠军的记录)


1991年12月,在第2届Billboard杂志年度音乐奖中,Mariah囊括了“最佳流行单曲艺人”等六项大奖。1992年1月Mariah因为Emotions专辑入围葛来美奖“最佳女歌手”和“最佳制作人”(与Walter Afanasieff一起入围)两项大奖。在第19届全美音乐奖中,Mariah荣获“最受欢迎灵魂/节奏蓝调女艺人”奖。


You''ve got me feeling emotions deeper than I''ve ever dreamed of

You''ve got me feeling emotions higher than the heavens above

I feel good. I feel nice. I''ve never felt so satisfied

I''m in love. I''m alive. Intoxicated flying high

It feel like a dream when you touch me tenderly

I don''t know if it''s real but I like the way I feel inside

You''ve got me feeling emotions deeper than I''ve ever dreamed of

You''ve got me feeling emotions higher than the heavens above

In the morning when I rise you are the first thing on my mind

And in the middle of the night I feel your heartbeat next to mine

It feels like a dream when you love me tenderly

I don''t know if you''re for real but I like the way I feel inside

You''ve got me feeling emotions deeper than I''ve ever dreamed of

You''ve got me feeling emotions higher than the heavens above (Repeat)

You know the way to make me lose control

When you''re looking into my eyes you make me feel so high

You''ve got me feeling emotions deeper than I''ve ever dreamed of

You''ve got me feeling emotions higher than the heavens above (Repeat)

You''ve got me feeling higher
















相关分词: Emotion